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Design & Masterplanning

We have extensive combined experience of working on landscape design and masterplanning projects both large and small.  We are specialists in designing for historic and otherwise sensitive landscapes, and take a creative approach to all design schemes that is fully informed by a robust understanding of the site.  We work closely with clients, architects, planning authorities and other specialists to ensure an inspired and successful outcome for all our schemes, fully responding to the wishes of the client and realising the full potential of the site.  With our in-house skills we are able to deliver the complete spectrum of design solutions, from masterplanning to detailed design, planting plans and the preparation of tender packages.  We are also able to successfully oversee the implementation of our designs, and have a proven track record in delivering projects on the ground.  Our projects have ranged from the masterplanning of estates and internationally renowned landscapes to the design and restoration of walled gardens, planting plans for historic sites, and the design of bold new landscapes for enhancing development within sensitive properties.

Stoke Park Landscape Masterplan

Stoke Park Landscape Masterplan

Attingham: The Mile Walk

Attingham: The Mile Walk

Fawsley Walled Garden

Fawsley Walled Garden

Claife Viewing Station Masterplan

Claife Viewing Station Masterplan

Canons Ashby Car Park Appraisal

Canons Ashby Car Park Appraisal

The Brockhampton Estate

The Brockhampton Estate