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Stoke Park

Stoke Park

We have recently completed a landscape masterplan for a unique new development to be situated within Stoke Park, a grade II registered park & garden.  The development replaces an unsightly 1970s residential scheme and with our masterplan has provided the opportunity to greatly enhance the historic landscape.  In consultation with the client, architect, English Heritage and the planning department, we designed a landscape scheme that provides both an inspiring and appropriate setting for the proposed new dwellings, whilst also responding to the historic character of the surrounding landscape, including the restoration of lost historic features such as designed views.  As part of the design, we incorporated a new walled kitchen garden and orchard and enhance a severely degraded part of the park.  To inform our work, we also undertook a Landscape and Visual Appraisal that built upon our previous historic understanding of the site, ensuring that all proposals were sensitively designed and their impacts robustly considered.  Our resultant masterplan was positively received both by the client and English Heritage, resulting in a highly successful outcome for a complex and challenging site.