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Canons Ashby

Canons Ashby Conservation Management Plan

Situated in a quiet backwater of rural Northamptonshire, the hamlet of Canons Ashby offers a unique insight into the historic development of an English village, monastery, manor house and park over the course of a millennium.  An unusual degree of continuity in ownership and land use has resulted in a rare survival of multiple phases of historic development, the interrelationships of which combine to form a truly fascinating palimpsest landscape. We prepared a management plan for the National Trust that brought together a clear and comprehensive understanding of this complex landscape, much of which is designated as a Scheduled Monument as well as a Grade II* Registered Park & Garden, enabling its cohesive and holistic management. 

We were subsequently commissioned to prepare an options appraisal for an overflow car park that will sit sympathetically within the site.

We prepared a masterplan to accompany our management proposals to demonstrate how the landscape would look upon restoration.

Analysis of historic mapping enabled a clear understanding of historic planting patterns and views.

View from Deer Park - potential impact visualisations

View from Deer Park - potential impact from car park