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Will Cookson

Will Cookson BA MLA LMLI

Will is a Landscape Architect with extensive experience in landscape planning and management and the conservation of historic landscapes.  Building upon a degree in Archaeology from the University of Bristol and a previous career as a filmmaker, Will graduated from the postgraduate Master of Landscape Architecture course in Edinburgh before gaining extensive professional experience on a range of high profile projects throughout the UK.  His wide-ranging skills include report writing, archival research, field survey, strategic planning and graphic design, with expertise in map overlays, photographic analysis, masterplan design, visualisations and 3D modelling.  He has worked at a number of the country’s most important historic landscapes including Burghley, Bramham, Canons Ashby and Stowe, where he has combined his excellent report-writing skills with his aptitude for design and creative thinking.  As well as being a landscape architect, Will is pursuing his musical interests as a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist writing music for film and TV as well as releasing his own albums.