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Luke Greysmith

Luke Greysmith CMLI

Luke is a Chartered Landscape Architect with over 20 years of professional experience working on large and small scale projects for public and private clients across the UK.  He has particular expertise in the design and delivery of technically complex projects, often with tight budget and programme constraints, involving numerous stakeholders. He relishes the opportunity to design and deliver efficient, coherent, engaging spaces and places that reflect local history and enhance the environment. Specific project experience includes The Eden Project in Cornwall as a key designer from inception to completion of the Core building in 2006. Luke also has experience of working in the urban environment including public realm schemes such as the ground-breaking Derbyshire Street Pocket Park in London, West Thames College campus redevelopment and a number of studies for Historic Royal Palaces at the Tower of London. Specialist skills include the design and implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).