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Cookson & Tickner Landscape Architects - STRAPLINE?

Cookson & Tickner Ltd is a landscape architecture practice with a wealth of expertise in landscape planning, design and management. Our services range from countryside planning and strategies for green infrastructure and woodland through to the management and design of parks and gardens. We are specialists in the conservation, restoration and management of historic landscapes.

We provide advice to public, private and charitable organisations throughout the UK and work at a variety of scales, from county and district wide landscape assessments through to detailed design and site supervision.

Cookson & Tickner Ltd is a practice registered by the Landscape Institute.


Our Services

 We cover a broad range of services that encompass landscape planning, design and management. With our combined skills we offer a ‘complete package’, underpinning a rigorous intellectual approach with professional design expertise.

Where projects require we work with a wide range of sub-consultants, including archaeologists, ecologists, arboriculturalists and hydrologists, to provide a bespoke team of specialists that will deliver all the needs of your project.

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Our Approach

From concept through to proposal, we seek an holistic design and management solution that responds to the needs of the site and of its users. We believe that an artistic appreciation of the ‘genius of the place’ is essential in unlocking a site’s true potential. We seek to deliver landscape proposals that resolve complexities, provide sustainable functions, and that unify and inspire... proposals that produce exceptional landscapes… landscapes that enrich people’s lives

Weekly Dispatches

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Our Practice

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We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.

— Blandit Lectus